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QuestionsI need a prototype fast. Do you offer a next-day delivery service?
Samuel G asked 4 years ago
1 Answers
Chris Lloyd Staff answered 4 years ago

The short answer is: yes.

Many projects require bespoke enclosures with a fast turnaround time. In these cases, we know how important it is to find a highly responsive supplier that can accommodate your needs. This is why we are continuously investing in the manufacturing, customisation and assembly services we offer to our customers.

In particular, our specialised teams are able to support you in the design and specification of electrical enclosures that can address your intended applications. Once the design is finalised, we have extensive in-house CNC machining, 3D printing and labelling capabilities to produce close-to-production and functional prototypes based on the design provided or produced. In addition, one of our CNC machining centres in our facility in Telford is dedicated to the production of samples, which have priority on this machine. As a result, we can deliver them overnight to engineers and project managers across the UK.

For further information on Spelsberg’s prototype construction offering, please visit: https://www.spelsberg.co.uk/customising/prototype-construction/3d-product-development/
On top of that, to help our customers even further, we provide samples of our standard and bespoke enclosures. To request one, please visit: https://www.spelsberg.co.uk/customising/samples/samples-required/

If you have additional questions or specific customisation and delivery requirements for your enclosures, please feel free to send me a private message to discuss them.