01952 605849 [email protected]

Amanda Shephard

Pro-Active Manager

+44 (0)1952 605847

I manage Spelsberg’s Pro-Active service, a telephone service that allows customers to speak directly with a technically trained sales person when making an order over the phone.

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Installation without affecting IP rating?
ResolvedAmanda Shephard answered 7 years ago • 
5410 views1 answers1 votes
Are the enclosures available in other colours?
ResolvedAmanda Shephard answered 8 years ago • 
5013 views1 answers1 votes
What is the best way to combat condensation?
ResolvedAmanda Shephard answered 8 years ago • 
4862 views1 answers1 votes
IP66 enclosures
ResolvedAmanda Shephard answered 9 years ago • 
4776 views1 answers1 votes
Polycarbonate & Glass Reinforced Plastic.
ResolvedAmanda Shephard answered 9 years ago • 
2669 views1 answers1 votes
IP66 PS / ABS enclosure
ResolvedAmanda Shephard answered 9 years ago • 
4980 views1 answers1 votes
Outdoor Enclsoure Installation
ResolvedAmanda Shephard answered 9 years ago • 
4698 views1 answers1 votes